We know it takes a community to make an impact, and that’s why this program is designed with each participant in mind. The workplace giving program from Community Shares is designed to benefit everyone who is involved.

Workplaces benefit from

  • Low cost and high impact.
    • Community Shares provides all the materials to run the campaign, and the program integrates with your existing processes to make it easy to execute. 
  • Increasing customer and employee loyalty through community philanthropy.
    • Employees and customers want to know the businesses and workplaces they support are giving back to the community. Our program is a great way to start or increase your support while maintaining your focus areas.
  • Demonstrating your commitment to the community for the next generation of employees.
    • More and more young professionals are looking at the community impact of potential employers when making job and career decisions. Our program is a great way to demonstrate your involvement while showing your employees also have a say. 
  • Choice in giving. 
    • Diversify your organization’s reach and support while offering your employees an opportunity to have their voices heard.

Employees benefit from 

  • Paying in installments. 
    • Employees can make a larger donation because they pay through installments from each paycheck. For example, a pledge of $250 equals $10 per paycheck when paid bi-weekly (26 paychecks). 
  • No impact on their cash flow. 
    • The donation is deducted from an employee’s paycheck before it’s deposited, so there is no need for them to worry about their cash flow or when deductions will hit their bank account, unlike traditional monthly giving.
  • No impact on their credit score
    • Since the donation is deducted from an employee’s paycheck, there is no charge to your credit card, and it won’t affect their credit score or incur late fees.
  • One and done. 
    • Employees can select one or multiple nonprofits once a year during sign up. There is no need to visit multiple nonprofit websites and re-enter your information into online donation forms for each nonprofit.

Member nonprofits benefit from 

  • Connecting to new donors.
    • Member nonprofits can extend their reach into the community to find new donors to support their mission, programs, and services. 
  • Stable revenue stream.
    • Member nonprofits can plan better budgets because they’ll receive regular quarterly checks from donors through Community Shares. 
  • Unrestricted funding.
    • Member nonprofits can use the funds to fill budget gaps, expand services, launch new programs, or more to benefit their community.